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Ready to get your complaining under control? 

The main reason why we complain is because complaining has become a habit, and the best way to change a habit is to recognize it and practice a new habit to take its place.


This Stop Over COMPLAINING program will take you through a simple process that teaches you to recognize your complaining habit and then teaches you the steps to take to create a new habit. A new habit that is more positive and intentional.  


The program walks you step by step through the process and provides all the tools needed in order for you to succeed. 


The Stop Over COMPLAINING Program cost is only $27.00 


That is a fantastic price to pay to eliminate the complaining habit.   

Bad mood
Mountain Ridge

Manage Your Thinking

Situations in life aren't really the problem. The problem is our thinking. We think negatively so we speak out in complaints. We complain for a variety of reasons; it's become a habit, we want people to be on "our side", to make excuses for bad performance, or to get attention to name a few. But what does complaining solve? Nothing. It just makes the situation worse. This program teaches you how to manage your thinking so you can break the complaining habit.   

What this program is all about

Positive and negative emotions can't occupy the mind at the same time. One or the other must dominate your thinking. This program teaches you how to make sure that the positive emotions are the dominant emotions in your life. When you learn to focus on the positive you learn to let go of the complaining. When you learn to manage your thinking, you get to choose on purpose how you are going to think, how you want to feel, and how you want to show up in your life.

Learn to focus on the good

Let things go

Let go of complaining

Feel better


Learn to manage your thinking and stop the complaining cycle you have fallen into. 

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